Saturday, December 13, 2008

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Greg Boss Family!

Seasons Greetings!! We are happy to give our love and report to our friends near and far. For those who haven’t heard, we hail from Saginaw, Michigan now! We have just settled into our new home this last month. Our new address and phone number is:

4344 Maple Woods Dr W
Saginaw, MI 48603

Our family has had a great 2008. We enjoyed two great family vacations before the upheaval of moving came along. We went to Disneyland and Seaworld in April, and came to visit family in Michigan at the end of school in May. It was during our visit there that the idea of moving began to evolve. After some careful consideration and heartfelt prayers, we felt impressed that Saginaw, Michigan was the place our family was supposed to be. Due to the slow housing market, it took some time for it all to take place, but we have now settled into a beautiful home just 5 minutes from Greg’s parents, and a few minutes from his brother and family. We’re having a great time here!

Andrew (almost 12) enjoyed some karate lessons earlier in the year, but his favorite sport is still swimming. He has recently begun taking cello lessons from his Mom, and is participating in the middle school orchestra. Andrew loves to play his Nintendo DS and does well at arising early so he can get his jobs done before school. He is preparing to receive the priesthood and become a deacon in the young mens’ organization. Middle school has been an eventful change for Andrew, but he’s been a real trooper through all of it. One morning when he was complaining about the long school day, Mom reminded him that this was just the beginning of the rest of his life, and that when he was grown up, he’d work even longer hours, to which his response was: “But at least then, I’ll be able to stay home!” Oh, his mom had some sad news for him! We’re afraid our boys have had a slightly warped sense of adulthood seeing their father work from home all these years! Andrew’s been a great help to his mom through this move, helping out with his younger siblings, and doing extra work around the house as well. We are grateful for Andrew!

Chandler (9 ½) also took karate this year, and continues to take piano lessons from his mom. Chandler was accepted into the advanced placement program at his school and is doing very well. Math continues to be his academic strength. He tries his best to get his homework done quickly so he can earn time on his Nintendo DS. Chandler also loves swimming, but likes basketball equally well, and is looking forward to playing this next month. He was one of the first to discover the great tree-climbing opportunity that our back yard provides. Even the cold weather didn’t stop him! Chandler gave us a chuckle the other day when he informed his dad that he hated olives, and that his dad probably couldn’t guess his favorite part of the cheese rolls that we make each year at Christmas. After his dad failed to guess by listing every possible ingredient, Chandler finally exclaimed, “it’s these little black things!” He was quite surprised to learn that they were olives! Chandler continues to make his brothers laugh, and has an easy going attitude about life that has helped our family in our big transition this year.

Jordan (7) was also accepted in the advanced placement program at school, and continues to shine academically. He still enjoys homework, and loves to make coloring, cut and paste/tape projects on his own initiative. He likes taking care of his stuffed animal collection, and building various things for them. He also loves to write very sweet notes, and he has already written Santa a couple of well-thought-out letters. In his first letter, he asked for 15 pairs of pajamas (listing exactly which kind), but then wrote a second letter letting Santa know that it would be alright if Santa just gave him 5 pairs for the next 3 years. Jordan has great initiative and a bright mind. He brings good order to our family, and keeps us all in line.

Seth (4 ½) is all about fun. He still thinks everything is funny, and it adds a great element to our family. Seth got glasses this year, and may need to patch his right eye next year because he apparently isn’t using it. He is even more darling with glasses. Seth loves to ask me how to spell words so he can write them, and loves throwing dice so he can add the numbers together. He continues to be musically inclined, and still goes to sleep with his play piano. He is also an amazing DDR master! Seth says some funny things sometimes – the other day, when Andrew kept repeating something over and over, Seth complained that Andrew was hurting his ear’s feelings. We love having Seth around to make us laugh!

Michael (2) is either a fifth child that thinks he should be able to do whatever his older brothers do, or just much too adventurous. He definitely has had the most injuries of any of our children at this age, but thankfully, he is amazingly “tough.” He broke his femur in May (fell at a playground) and was in a body cast for 6 weeks. He also gets bloody noses more than any of the boys (basically by face-planting into walls, or tripping), and he broke one of his fingers last year. But our Michael is so much fun. He loves choo-choo trains, cars, and airplanes, especially if there are remotes or buttons involved. He wants to do everything himself, and Mom gets to practice patience every day. His favorite phrase is “Go back!” and “Wait!” He calls this out as we descend the stairs, and if Mom gets ahead, it’s “Wait! Go back!” until we’re holding hands and in lockstep together. At bedtime, when we near the end of the book, he’s saying, “Go back! Go back!” until we’re at the beginning of the book again. Such a tricky little boy! We love that Michael brings adventure to the family.

Sherie is glad to be settled into our new home, and no longer in-between. Although it was sad to leave her family and friends behind in Utah, she is looking forward to the adventures of living here in Saginaw. She is trying to remember what she has done this year besides de-junk, pack, unpack and sleep. She did manage to do some decorating this year, which she loves (some remodeling of the bathrooms in the old home, and painting the master bedroom in our new home). She is enjoying giving Andrew cello lessons, and can’t wait to rediscover her other hobbies this next year.

Greg still works from home for IBM, which is of course why we had the choice to move. Greg was released from the bishopric a couple months before we moved, and many joked with him that we were moving so he could get out of the calling. Well, believe it or not, Greg was just called into the bishopric here in Michigan (1st counselor again). An amazing coincidence – I guess you really can’t move to get out of a calling! Greg continues to be an outstanding father, and currently holds the title of Dishes Coach – each boy takes a turn each night to take on the dishes with their dad while Mom wrestles the other boys into their baths and showers.

Our family got a puppy for Christmas last year. Her name is Ellie, and she has been a great addition to our family. It’s been fun for us to spoil a “girl” and there’s no doubt that Dad is her favorite. She greets the boys with lots of love when they come home from school, and they take turns sleeping with her each night. She’s a great dog!

We send our love, and are grateful for the association, friendship, and love we share with each of you. We miss each one of you that we don’t get to see often, but know that we think about you frequently. We love you!

Greg, Sherie, Andrew, Chandler,
Jordan, Seth and Michael

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